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Tackling the Pamir Highway

How do you tackle the Pamir Highway in a 1.2L Skoda Fabia from 2006? Read all about it here!

Turkmenistan: the land of desert and potholes

We drove for the Turkmenistan border on Friday 9th of August. We came up with the cunning plan of getting to the border before everyone...

Iran – friendly people, crazy traffic

Sorry for the slow blog updates folks! Our blog system has been down, and we haven't had any power on our laptop, so it’s slightly...

Money, money, money

It feels completely surreal writing this blog post. On October 21st last year we decided to sign up for the adventure of a lifetime by...

Sparky the Plug

The rally, in reality, started in October last year, the preparation and planning is just as important as the driving; we are slowing...


Now that we are less than 2 months away from the start of the rally we thought it would be a good time to talk more about why we wanted...

Wet and Dry

Its Easter and we thought it would be a good idea to turn the engine over and bit and keep the car going. So Ed took it down to his...

Making our chariot road worthy

Hia, welcome to the first blog post from Team Bear Bones!!! We’re going to try and do one every week or so to keep everyone up to date on...

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